Tuesday, October 11, 2011

:: loneliness ::

....بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
-السلام عليكم-

taken : last week
place : botanic garden, wellington NZ

credit to the photographer : YAYA 


“We truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most”
(Ronald Anthony)




Cik Aqilah Wardah said...

Saya nampak lavender!!! ^__^

Unknown said...

cantiknyer taman nie...ader seorg wanita di stu..sepikah dia?

Puan Nurussalwa said...

kak qila : errr~ sorry tak boleh nak bungkus bawak balik malaysia. hehe

tentang kita : she's me :) sepi..tak jugak tapi waktu tu terasa sendiri.

Anonymous said...

wah cantiknya pmandangan:)

+.^ said...

spoiler:"credit to photographer : YAYA"

i thought it was yours. lol..

Puan Nurussalwa said...

sis92 : kan.. :)

+.^ : if i took the photo i couldn't be in it.. ;)

Jom Makan said...

opsss salah komen.,.abaikan..

YouSOF said...


Sangat tepat kata Ronald tu. Tapi tak perlu risau sebab DIA sentiasa bersama kita.