Saturday, July 16, 2011


....بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
-السلام عليكم-

everyone has dreams.. high above the sky, deep bellow the ocean, far end of the world.. we all have dreams..

what we all need is the first steps.. the baby steps..


what life has to offer us?
from the life itself we learn to create own own dreams..

I want to be someone special for the people around me..
someone who could bring 'light' to their life..

deep aye?

before giving light to others, I shall find one for myself first..

I choose to find it in the path of islam..

Allah will show me the way..


turning back to islam and being a real muslim is my baby step to reach my dream..  

what about you people?

have a think.


i am not saying that we are not muslims for we do were born as a muslim, but do we practice islam as our deen (way of life).. at least I know that sometimes I went far from what islam told me to do..

the time has come for me to turn over a new leaf.. to start anew.. to do my first step back into islam..

come and join me people..

till next time,
may Allah bless.



Hamba Ilahi said...

sanajidu attoriq..


(tak pandai cakap english)

btw thanks for dropping my blog on your bloglist..

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

I want to be someone special for the people around me..


zer0xs said...

insyaAllah :D

Mencari.. Dan Mencari... diri sendiri...~ :D

najwa said...

teringat ayat cinta Allah dalam al-Baqarah (2:208),
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Masuklah ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan, dan janganlah kamu ikuti langkah-langkah setan. Sungguh,ia musuh yang nyata bagimu."

saya pun tengah menyusun my babysteps towards being real muslim..semoga Allah berkati langkah kita menuju-Nya.:)

Cik Aqilah Wardah said...

Wa... baby mula2 pandai bertatih, perlu dipegang, dipimpin..

sama2 kita saling berpimpin tangan ye.. insya Allah, kuat kita mengharungi semua dugaan.. insya Allah..

mcm wa ckp, fitrah manusia, saling memerlukan... :)